Vedic Maths Course

for Speed Calculation & Mind Maths

Hindi Language में
Total 71 Videos
75 Practice Quizzes
83 PDF Worksheets
12000+ Questions
Duration : 26+ Hours
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📢 Timer के "ZERO" होते ही Course का Price 799/- हो जाएगा


अभी ENROLL करें और 30 दिनों में अपनी Calculation Speed को तीन गुना तक बढ़ाएँ

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ऐसे व्यक्ति जो शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में काम करना चाहते हैं

यदि आप उपरोक्त किसी भी क्षेत्र से संबंधित हैं, तो आप इस कोर्स का सर्वोत्तम लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं

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यह कोर्स आपकी गणित की कैलकुलेशन Speed को 500% यानि 5 गुणा तक बढ़ाने में मदद करेगा

यह कोर्स आपकी Mind Maths क्षमताओं को बढ़ाने में मदद करेगा

यह कोर्स आपको गणित की समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए आपका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने में मदद करेगा

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यह कोर्स बहुत ही सरल और समझने में आसान है जो आपके लिए गणित को आसान बना देता है

यह कोर्स आपको गणित की समस्याओं को अलग अलग और अनोखे तरीकों से हल करना सिखाएगा

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📢पहला कदम उठाएं: अभी "वैदिक गणित कैलकुलेशन मास्टरी कोर्स" में एनरोल करें!​

Ranvir Mehta

Vedic Maths Trainer

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नमस्ते, मैं रणवीर, वैदिक गणित एक्सपर्ट हूँ

मैं पिछले 7 वर्षों से वैदिक गणित प्रशिक्षण के क्षेत्र में कार्य कर रहा हूँ। मैंने 30,000 से अधिक छात्रों को प्रशिक्षित किया है और 250 से अधिक शिक्षकों को वैदिक गणित प्रशिक्षक के रूप में प्रशिक्षित किया है।

मैंने यह कोर्स इसलिए बनाया है ताकि हर वह व्यक्ति जो गणना के लिए कैलकुलेटर या Pen-Paper का उपयोग करता है, वह इस कोर्स की मदद से वैदिक गणित की Concepts को समझकर Mind Calculation करना सीख सके।

चाहे आप किसी भी क्षेत्र में हों, चाहे आपकी उम्र कुछ भी हो, यह कोर्स आपकी बहुत मदद करेगा, इसलिए अभी इस कोर्स से जुड़ें और कोर्स का लाभ उठाएं।

आज ही ENROLL करें और 30 दिनों में अपनी Calculation Speed को तीन गुना तक बढ़ाएँ

इस कोर्स का Content क्या है....

Topic #01 - Addition

  • Class 1 – Universal Method of Addition
  • Class 2 – How to solve two digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 1
  • Class 3 – How to solve three digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 2
  • Addition Practice Quiz 1
  • Class 4 – How to solve four digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 3
  • Addition Practice Quiz 2
  • Addition Practice Quiz 3
  • Class 5 – How to solve five and more than digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 4
  • Addition Practice Quiz 4
  • Class 6 – How to do Addition Mentally
  • Practice Sheet 5 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 5
  • Addition Practice Quiz 5
  • Addition Master Practice Sheet (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Master Practice Sheet
  • Addition Practice Quiz 6

Topic #02 - Subtraction

  • Class 1 – Subtraction using All from 9 and the Last from 10
  • Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 1
  • Class 2 – How to use All from 9 & Last from 10 Method
  • Practice Sheet 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 2
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 1
  • Class 3 – How to Subtract Any Number using Complement and Dot Method
  • Practice Sheet 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 3
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 2
  • Class 4 – Subtraction using Universal Method
  • Practice Sheet 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 4
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 3
  • Class 5 – How to do Subtraction Mentally
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 4
  • Practice Sheet 5 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 5
  • Practice Sheet 6 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 6
  • Practice Sheet 7 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 7
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 5
  • Master Practice Sheet (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Master Practice Sheet

Topic #03 - Multiplication - Part A

  • Class 1- Base Method of Multiplication
  • Class 2- When Both Numbers are Above the Base
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base Method 1
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 1
  • Class 3- When Both Numbers are Below the Base
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base Method 2
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 2
  • Class 4- When One Number is Above the Base and Another is Below the Base
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base Method 3
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 3
  • Class 5- Some More Examples Based on Base Method
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Base Method 4
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 4
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 5
  • Class 6- Sub-Base Method of Multiplication
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Sub-base 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Sub-Base Method 1
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 6
  • Class 7- Examples based on Sub-Base Method
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Sub-base 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Sub-Base Method 2
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 7
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 8
  • Class 8- Crosswise – Vertically Method of Multiplication 1
  • Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 1
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 9
  • Class 9- Crosswise – Vertically Method of Multiplication 2
  • Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 2
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 10
  • Class 10- Crosswise – Vertically Method of Multiplication 3
  • Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 3

Topic #03 - Multiplication - Part B

  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 11
  • Class 11- Some Examples of Crosswise – Vertically Method
  • Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Vertically – Crosswise Multiplication Practice Sheet 4
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 12
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 13
  • Class 12- Some Special Case of Multiplication 1
  • Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 1
  • Class 13- Some Special Case of Multiplication 2
  • Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 2
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 14
  • Class 14- Some Special Case of Multiplication 3
  • Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 3
  • Class 15- Some More Examples of Special Cases
  • Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Special Multiplication Practice Sheet 4
  • Class 16- Universal Method Of Multiplication 1
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 15
  • Class 17- Universal Method Of Multiplication 2
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 16
  • Class 18- Universal Method Of Multiplication 3
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 17
  • Class 19- Universal Method Of Multiplication 4
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 18
  • Class 20- Universal Method Of Multiplication 5
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 19
  • Practice Sheet for Universal Method (3 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Universal Method
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet 1
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet 2 (5 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet 2
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet 3 (6 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet 3
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet 4 (5 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet 4
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet 5 (6 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet 5
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet 6 (6 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet 6
  • Multiplication Master Practice Sheet (24 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Master Practice Sheet
  • Multiplication Practice Quiz 20

Topic #04 - Division Part A

  • Class 1 – Universal Method of Addition
  • Class 2 – How to solve two digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 1
  • Class 3 – How to solve three digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 2
  • Addition Practice Quiz 1
  • Class 4 – How to solve four digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 3
  • Addition Practice Quiz 2
  • Addition Practice Quiz 3
  • Class 5 – How to solve five and more than digit sum using universal method
  • Practice Sheet 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 4
  • Addition Practice Quiz 4
  • Class 6 – How to do Addition Mentally
  • Practice Sheet 5 (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet 5
  • Addition Practice Quiz 5
  • Addition Master Practice Sheet (3 pages)
  • Download Addition Master Practice Sheet
  • Addition Practice Quiz 6

Topic #04 - Division Part B

  • Class 1 – Subtraction using All from 9 and the Last from 10
  • Practice Sheet 1 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 1
  • Class 2 – How to use All from 9 & Last from 10 Method
  • Practice Sheet 2 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 2
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 1
  • Class 3 – How to Subtract Any Number using Complement and Dot Method
  • Practice Sheet 3 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 3
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 2
  • Class 4 – Subtraction using Universal Method
  • Practice Sheet 4 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 4
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 3
  • Class 5 – How to do Subtraction Mentally
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 4
  • Practice Sheet 5 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 5
  • Practice Sheet 6 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 6
  • Practice Sheet 7 (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet 7
  • Subtraction Practice Quiz 5
  • Master Practice Sheet (3 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Master Practice Sheet

Topic #05 - Fraction

  • Class 1 – Addition of Fractions
  • Fraction Practice Quiz 1
  • Addition Practice Sheet for Fractions (4 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet for Fractions
  • Class 2 – Subtraction of Fractions
  • Fraction Practice Quiz 2
  • Subtraction Practice Sheet for Fractions (4 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet for Fractions
  • Class 3 – Multiplication of Fractions
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Fractions (4 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Fractions
  • Class 4 – Division of Fractions
  • Division Practice Sheet for Fractions (4 pages)
  • Download Division Practice Sheet for Fractions

Topic #06 -Decimal

  • Class 1 – Addition of Decimals
  • Decimal Practice Quiz 1
  • Addition Practice Sheet for Decimals (4 pages)
  • Download Addition Practice Sheet for Decimals
  • Class 2 – Subtraction of Decimals
  • Decimal Practice Quiz 2
  • Subtraction Practice Sheet for Decimals (4 pages)
  • Download Subtraction Practice Sheet for Decimals
  • Class 3 – Multiplication of Decimals
  • Decimal Practice Quiz 3
  • Multiplication Practice Sheet for Decimals (4 pages)
  • Download Multiplication Practice Sheet for Decimals
  • Class 4 – Division of Decimals
  • Decimal Practice Quiz 4
  • Division Practice Sheet for Decimals (2 pages)
  • Download Division Practice Sheet for Decimals
  • Decimal Practice Quiz 5

Topic #07 - Square

  • Class 1 – Square using Duplex Method 1
  • Square Practice Quiz 1
  • Find the Duplex Practice Sheet for Square (4 pages)
  • Download Find the Duplex Practice Sheet for Square
  • Class 2 – Square using Duplex Method 2
  • Square Practice Quiz 2
  • Practice Sheet for Square – 2 Digit Nos (1 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Square – 2 Digit Nos
  • Class 3 – Square using Duplex Method 3
  • Square Practice Quiz 3
  • Practice Sheet for Square – 3 Digit Nos (3 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Square – 3 Digit Nos
  • Class 4 – Square using Duplex Method 4
  • Square Practice Quiz 4
  • Practice Sheet for Square – 4 Digit Nos (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Square – 4 Digit Nos
  • Class 5 – Square using Duplex Method 5
  • Square Practice Quiz 5
  • Practice Sheet for Square – 5 Digit Nos (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Square – 5 Digit Nos
  • Class 6 – Square using Duplex Method 6
  • Square Practice Quiz 6
  • Practice Sheet for Square – 6, 7, 8, 9 etc Digit Nos (1 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Square – 6, 7, 8, 9 etc Digit Nos
  • Class 7 – Square of Special Numbers
  • Square Practice Quiz 7
  • Practice Sheet for Special Square (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Special Square
  • Class 8 – Amazing Square 1
  • Square Practice Quiz 8
  • Class 9 – Amazing Square 2
  • Square Practice Quiz 9
  • Practice Sheet for Amazing Square (4 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Amazing Square
  • Square Practice Quiz 10

Topic #08 - Percentage

  • Class 1 – Percentage 1
  • Percentage Practice Quiz 1
  • Convert Fraction into Percentage (2 pages)
  • Download Convert Fraction into Percentage
  • Convert Fraction into Percentage – Hindi (2 pages)
  • Download Convert Fraction into Percentage – Hindi
  • Class 2 – Percentage 2
  • Percentage Practice Quiz 2
  • Practice Sheet for Percentage (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Percentage
  • Practice Sheet for Percentage – Hindi (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Percentage – Hindi
  • Class 3 – Percentage 3
  • Percentage Practice Quiz 3
  • Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 2 (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 2
  • Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 2 – Hindi (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 2 – Hindi
  • Class 4 – Percentage 4
  • Percentage Practice Quiz 4
  • Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 3 (4 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 3
  • Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 3 – Hindi (4 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Percentage – Type 3 – Hindi
  • Percentage Practice Quiz 5

Topic #09 - Square Root

  • Class 1 – Square Root
  • Square Root Practice Quiz
  • Practice Sheet for Square Root (3 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Square Root

Topic #10 - Digit Sum Concept

  • Class 1 – How to Check Answer Quickly
  • Digit Sum Practice Quiz 1
  • Practice Sheet for Digit Sum (3 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Digit Sum

Topic #11 & 12 - Cube & Cube Root

  • Class 1 – Cube
  • Cube Practice Quiz
  • Practice Sheet for Cube (1 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Cube
  • Class 2 – Cube Root
  • Cube Root Practice Quiz
  • Practice Sheet for Cube Root (1 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for Cube Root

Topic #13 -Find higher powers

  • Class 1 – 4th Power of Any Number 1
  • Practice Quiz 1
  • Class 2 – 4th Power of Any Number 2
  • Practice Quiz 2
  • Practice Sheet for 4th power (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for 4th power
  • Class 3 – 5th Power of Any Number
  • Practice Quiz 3
  • Practice Sheet for 5th power (2 pages)
  • Download Practice Sheet for 5th power

कोर्स का Regular Price : ₹5000

केवल आज ₹499 में ENROLL करें

📢 Timer के "ZERO" होते ही Course का Price 799/- हो जाएगा


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इस कोर्स को 8-9 साल से ऊपर का कोई भी व्यक्ति कर सकता है।

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हां, आपको इस कोर्स की Lifetime Validity मिलेगी।

मैं इस कोर्स को कैसे Access कर सकता हूँ?

इस कोर्स को आप स्मार्टफोन, टैबलेट, लैपटॉप और डेस्कटॉप कंप्यूटर पर देख सकते हैं। आप इस कोर्स को हमारे मोबाइल ऐप से भी एक्सेस कर सकते हैं।

मुझे यह कोर्स कैसे मिलेगा?

भुगतान करने के 2-5 मिनट के भीतर आपको इस कोर्स का Access Details ईमेल और WhatsApp Message पर मिल जायेगी।

क्या मुझे यह कोर्स करने के बाद सर्टिफिकेट मिलेगा?

हां, जैसे ही आप इस कोर्स को 100% पूरा कर लेंगे, आपको एक Certificate जारी किया जाएगा, जिसे आप डाउनलोड कर सकेंगे।

यदि कोर्स में कुछ Doubts जाएँ तो उन्हें कैसे पूछा जाएगा?

कोर्स को इस तरह से डिजाइन किया गया है कि आपके सभी Doubts अपने आप Clear हो जाएंगे लेकिन फिर भी अगर कोई Doubt रहेगा तो हमारे व्हाट्सएप सपोर्ट से पूछा जा सकता है।

मैं इस कोर्स के लिए पेमेंट कैसे कर सकता हूं?

पेमेंट निम्नलिखित 2 तरीकों से किया जा सकता है -
1. आप निम्न लिंक से ऑनलाइन भुगतान कर सकते हैं -
2. आप PhonePe, GPay या PayTM से 7850013920 (Lakshya Infotech) पर पेमेंट कर सकते हैं।
और पेमेंट का स्क्रीनशॉट 9413559559 पर व्हाट्सएप करें

क्या मैं आपसे बात कर सकता हूँ?

हां, आप सुबह 10 बजे से शाम 6 बजे तक 7850013920 पर कॉल कर सकते हैं या 7850013920 और 9413559559 पर व्हाट्सएप कर सकते हैं

केवल आज ₹499 में ENROLL करें

📢 Timer के "ZERO" होते ही Course का Price 799/- हो जाएगा


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