🙏 Welcome to eGuruji
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Welcome to eGuruji

eGuruji is an E-Learning Skill platform, Providing highly effective and engaging learning from various experienced instructors and a wide range of courses.

We are here to make your online skill based learning experience better !

Our Courses

Offer Price: ₹599

Original Price: ₹1999

Our Features

Learning Management System

We have own LMS website for access the courses, quizzes and live classes from laptop and computer.

Mobile App

We have our own mobile app to access courses, live sessions, quizzes and offline contents from smartphones and tablets.

Online Community

We have an online community for learners to discuss their doubts with teachers/trainers and other learners.

Our Features

Video Lectures

Live Sessions


Offline Access

Doubt Discussion


Love from Learners

Join our community on Social Media.

Get in Touch

One of our team will be in contact with you shortly.