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Access & Delivery Policy

Last Updated: 16 Aug 2023

1. Course Access

1.1. eGuruji offers a variety of online courses and educational content accessible through our website and mobile app. Upon successful enrollment and payment for a course, you will gain immediate access to the course materials through your eGuruji account.

2. Delivery of Digital Content

2.1. All course materials, including videos, documents, assessments, and other digital content, are delivered electronically through your eGuruji LMS account.

2.2. After enrolling in a course and completing the payment process, you can log in to your eGuruji LMS account to access the course content. You will have the flexibility to access the materials at your own pace and convenience.

3. Account Access

3.1. It is your responsibility to ensure the security of your account credentials, including your username and password. You should not share your account details with others.

3.2. In case you encounter any issues accessing your account or course materials, please contact our customer support team at support@eguruji.com for assistance.

4. Technical Requirements

4.1. To access and view course materials, you will need a compatible device (such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone) and a reliable internet connection.

4.2. Certain courses may have specific software or technology requirements. These requirements will be clearly indicated in the course description before you enroll.

5. Changes to Course Availability

5.1. eGuruji reserves the right to modify or remove courses, course content, and access availability at any time without prior notice. Such changes may be due to updates, improvements, or other reasons.

6. Contact Information

6.1. If you have any questions about accessing course materials or your account, please contact us at support@eguruji.com.